Lidia VicoLeave a message 💫Madrid, Spain 📍

As a designer, I focus on providing creative and functional solutions to clients who need to connect with their audience. One thing that defines me is my obsessive attention to detail.

I am drawn to minimalism, conceptualization and intentionality of brands with a contemporary touch.

Piensos PilanoBranding, Packaging, AAFF2022—2023
Pilano is a pet food brand located in the province of Almería, Spain. They offer products made with 100% natural, fresh, and high-quality ingredients. We worked on repositioning the brand, highlighting the distinctive pink color that sets it apart from the competition.

Liquid Identity
Pilano considers all types of dogs and cats, without discrimination, and we wanted to reflect this in their identity. The logo is not a static image, but rather flows and changes, adapting to and meeting the needs of each animal with its unique characteristics.

The most ambitious part of the project was, without a doubt, the development of the packaging design for all their products and preparing the corresponding final artwork for printing. We created two distinguishable ranges (Diamond and Novanutrient) that address different dietary needs. We introduced a different color palette for each product, using soft and natural tones.

Authors: Lidia Vico, Aníbal García
Time: 1 year

© Lidia Vico 2025